Best Rounds and other foundations


When beginning a choir, EVERYONE tells you to start with unison singing, followed by ROUNDS. The question remains, WHICH ROUNDS? And more importantly, why?

The short answer is ALWAYS-- Whichever rounds YOU love. If you have a passion for a piece of music, AND you demonstrate this passion, your students will too. Maybe not immediately, but ultimately. Below, I have listed SOME of the rounds I start with every year. There are links to purchase a copy of my collections of rounds, as well as nice examples of students singing them. A few of these rounds are protected by copyright, which case there will be a link to most easily access the music.

Before I list the best rounds for your beginning choir, at ANY level, I would like to touch on the foundations for best usage.


As educators and directors, we understand that not every song is going to vibe with every choir. This is true of finding the best rounds for your choir, too. You must know your choir members. Sometimes, we get to know them AS we are choosing repertoire, in this case, the best rounds for choirs. Often times you already know your choir, their personalities individually as well as their "choir personality". For instance, right now, I have 4 choirs. One is very smart and rebellious. They are the product of Covid and get restless easily, YET they need to be challenged. So, they need beautiful, time-tested melodies and often rhythmically-driven music. One of my choirs is very, very immature and needs silly. Lots and lots of silly. Whether I find silly rounds and songs, OR I inject my own silliness. We HAVE to be salespeople of our repertoire, and this goes for finding and delivering the best rounds, as well. If you and your choir are not enjoying the process-- FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO SING.


The best rounds for your choirs are always going to be the ones that

  1. Vowel Formation and Blend

  2. Ear Training

  3. Sight Reading

Now, without further ado--- the BEST Rounds for choirs.

Ah Poor Bird

This round is from 18th century England and can be found in the "Catch Club".


Be like the Bird

Dance for the Nations

Dark of The Moon

Fly Fly Fly

Frere Jaques


Hey Ho Nobody Home

Kardos Canon


Love is Love

Music Alone Shall Live

Oh Be Swift to Love

Oh How Lovely Is the Evening

Poor Tom (Ghost of John)

Roots and Wings

Rose, Rose


Summer is a Comin' In

The Birch Tree

This Pretty Planet